Digitize your field operations with our workflow builder

Automate field operations effortlessly with our powerful, easy-to-use workflow builder. Without any need for coding, you can combine multiple steps to create custom workflows that perfectly align with your business needs. This ensures each phase of your field operations is optimized for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
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Dashboard mockup

Activity Builder

Utilize the web interface of our workflow automation software to set up smart, fully configurable forms through our Activity Builder.

These forms can be filled out by your field teams using the mobile app, allowing for the capture of any data type.
Implement conditions and automated calculations to streamline data entry and processing. Leverage our powerful meta expression engine to query any field effortlessly. Enhance operational efficiency by automatically sharing activity reports in PDF format, ensuring that vital information is easily accessible and distributable.

This setup not only simplifies data collection but also boosts field productivity by optimizing the information flow.

Automated Jobs

With our intuitive Workflow Builder, automating your field operations has never been easier. Jobs help you include automated actions in your workflows. It can be the sending of a notification (email, SMS, In app), a sending of data to an external database, the run of a python script, and any other events.

This automation not only saves valuable time but also reduces the likelihood of human error, enhancing overall operational reliability. Digitize your workflow now!
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Dashboard mockup

Chain steps with our workflow builder

Define a series of steps in your workflow using our Workflow Builder, meticulously outlining how your field work processes should unfold.
Create conditions and seamlessly pass information from one step to the next, ensuring flawless execution and strict business compliance.
Monitor the status of your workflow executions in real-time and enhance productivity with our advanced workflow automation software.

This integration not only streamlines operations but also optimizes task management across your field operations.
Check - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
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